In 2019, SevOne conducted a survey of over 800 IT professionals worldwide asking to identify their infrastructure priorities for 2020 and to detail the phases of their current projects. The survey outlined six key operational areas and asked participants to choose between six possible statuses for each. Once the survey was finished and the data was compiled, SevOne reached out to Delin Design asking to create an eBook that visually displays and gives context to all of this data.
The visual approach to this eBook expands on SevOne’s standards for visual design while organizing data in an easy-to-follow manner. The introduction is broken down into manageable bites on each page and coupled with an interesting visual that speaks to the content. Then, when getting to the statistics, a certain format is used and carried throughout to ensure comprehensibility. Iconography is used to identify each category and an alternating color scheme breaks up the content from page to page.
To see the full eBook, see SevOne’s resource page here.